Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bendita Locura - Silky Collection Launch

Yes, WE DID IT!  Many weeks of designing, planning, combining, writing, taking photos, calculating, enjoying, organizing, playing .... and now it's done:

The Bendita Online Shop is open!

I invite you to a - although virtual - glass of spanish cava, to celebrate this moment with us!

Please feel free to stroll through our very first fashion line. Just click on the Etsy button at the end of the page and it will take you directly to the Bendita Locura Shop.

Since the Etsy Shop can only feature 5 images per item we posted over 100 photos during the last 3 days on our Facebook page. This gives you the oportunity to see many different color options of each design.

I hope you will enjoy and , if you have a minute, I really would love to hear from you.

Locura Cotidiana

So, what do I love about this collection?

First of all, the colors!!! They are beautiful!! Intense!! and vibrant!! There are so many color combinations that it is incredibly difficult to make a choice.

Secondly, the feeling! This material has the sensual touch of silk, a smooth and soft sensation on your skin.

Third is the form: Here comes my jewelry background into the game...  

Pre Launch in Barcelona

The pre launch of this line in our Barcelona store was a great success, and they completely sold out. Now, we have been trying to keep up on production and bring this exciting new line to the world wide web. Better late than never, because now it gives you a great opportunity to get these new designs in time for summer.

What are people saying about this collection?

"It's Really Unique!!" - Brett, Canada

"So comfortable, I forget I'm wearing it until someone comments on how much they love it. Which happens all the time" - Valerie, France

"I just love these colors" - Susanna, Spain.

Special Online Release Offer!

Starting May 14th, the first 50 customers to our new online Etsy Store will receive a free matching Infinito ring with the purchase of any necklace, pendant or bracelet! This offer will end at midnight on May 31st, but we expect the first 50 to sell long before that date :). Every single one of our pieces is completely hand crafted and made to order. Needless to say, our production capacity is limited, so all orders will be on a first come first serve basis.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Introductions from Chiang Mai, Thailand

Today you will meet the third and last team in the Locura Group. I already revealed that this time we would change countries and continents, right?

We are about to do a big jump in an instant:
We're going to Thailand, the former Siam, the country of the eternal smile!
And now it's my turn to be introduced together with the rest of the team here in Asia.

It is much harder to describe oneself, isn't it? In the interview that opens the Web page of Locura Cotidiana you can get much information on the history of me, Omar and Locura in general (to get there just click on the link). Now I want to update you on the latest events.
Pia - Chiang Mai, Thailand

I am a founding member of Locura Cotidiana, along with Omar. As principal designer I am responsible for 90% of the designs, for the good ... and in some cases, also for the bad ;) I was born in Germany 47 years ago and lived for almost 20 in Barcelona.

I fell in love with Thailand a long time ago and finally decided to make the jump. My son and I moved to the city that is known as 'The Rose of the North': Chiang Mai. 

Of course, I'm designing for Locura from Chiang Mai as well. It will be interesting to see how the influence of Asia will be reflected in my future creations. I definitely receive new and different impressions every day and many new projects are coming up! One of my new functions for the group is to manage the newsletter. So - imagine - me, born and raised in Germany, edit a Newsletter in English and Spanish from Thailand !!! That is Locura Cotidiana :D!!! (in English: Everyday Madness;) )
Matt - Chiang Mai, Thailand

Hailing from the northwest United States, Matt is one of our newest team members. In his 36 years, Matt has built an unusually diverse resume. He always had a deep interest in the Arts and studied graphic arts, illustration, journalism, and finally computer graphic and web design. Matt has also maintained a sideline career as professional musician (guitar, bass and piano) and has several recording and performance credits to his name. In recent years he has lived in China and now here in Thailand.

Matt is responsible for maintaining the Locura website, all the graphic design, and the correction of my Span-Germ-English. Together we take pictures and write different texts. I doubt this Newsletter and some other projects in progress (of which we'll tell you soon), would have come into existence without him.
Au - Chiang Mai, Thailand

One of my aims in moving to Thailand, was to get involved in a social project. So, soon after, I started to give classes to a group of handicapped women in basic jewelry techniques. Here I met Au. Bound to a wheelchair after a car accident 11 years ago, she is a calm, serene, positive and very responsible young woman (and one of my most gifted students).

Au loves to work with her hands and is quite a perfectionist. I am very glad, that I can count on her in developing and producing new designs. And - sincerely - more often than not, when I give her a new piece to work on, she does a much better job than I do ;)
Until Next time........
So, now you have met every one of us. You see how international Locura is? Argentina, Egypt, Germany, Senegal, Spain, Thailand, USA ... quite diverse for such a small company as ours, isn't it? And I LOVE IT!!!

For sure you must wonder what is going to happen in future Newsletters.

You - through your brave subscription to our Newsletter;) - are considered a VIP of Locura Cotidiana! Right now we send to nearly 350 subscribers from all around the world and the number is growing steadily every week!

Since this is a new project, of course it is always subject to changes. But, I will share with you some of our ideas:

You - as VIP - will be up to date of all the important things going on in and around Locura. We want to include special local events. A kind of: 'what's going on' from Barcelona, Palma and Chiang Mai. You'll get advance information and images of up coming collections even before they are in the shops. Special offers and one of a kind pieces will also be available only for our Newsletter and Facebook friends. We want to invite new comers as well as established artist/artisans for special profiles and interviews.

We also plan on doing some surveys. Being the main designer I really look forward to this part. When I am about to start a new colection I usually work only with my instinct. Through the Newsletter I would love to ask for your opinion every once and awhile.  It would be great to get some feedback, i.e. if you prefer red to blue in this season or are more into wearing pendants than necklaces, etc. I promise I'll keep it short and easy, but it's of great help!!!

Anyway, as I told you, this is a new project. If you have comments, critiques, ideas or even articles for future Newsletters, I will be delighted to hear from you!!!

So, look forward to our next edition!
Have fun

Locura Cotidiana